I went to Gameworks in Las Vegas last week, I only took a few pictures, but here they are. It's funny how after the chaos of the strip, I could go downstairs and sit in front of a candy cabinet in a loud arcade and feel like I'm in a totally familiar setting, it was nice
I was using a new camera though, it was pretty hard to get shots that weren't blurry :/
Gameworks Las Vegas
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It looks like I got there just in time:
http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/feb/23/gameworks-leaving-strip-shifting-efforts-find-new-/ i guess they are moving off the strip in order to cater to locals more (a good thing). I remember thinking that there's no way locals would spend much time there, because you have to deal with all the strip nonsense to get in and out. |
Suweeet retro cabinets. If you need to find me, I'll be losing my money over there on Centipede.
They sure look nice don't they?
I thought the same thing.. the trackball was broken on Centipede so I moved to Ms. Pacman. I left the game in progress you know? Some teenagers came by and I swear to god they were freaking out that there was a game in progress and they didn't have to use one of their credits. Like yelling to their friends "OMG LOOK LOOK A FREE GAME!" It's hard to believe how cheap people are sometimes. It's hard to tell from the pictures but those classic games are all minis. |
Damn trackball! That's the problem... and has always been the problem with those types of games: lack of qualified trackball technician's in the workforce. Why I believe if a fella could learn how to fix those and was willing to travel, why he'd have good work for years to come.
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