I got these for $10.00 USD. I swear it was like the damn motherlode

I picked up a lot of different #1's to see if I could make some money right quick, but I found out that comics aren't really worth anything anymore. So plan B, I'm going to start collecting and reading comics again since they are beyond cheap now.
What's different this time is that alot of the series that I liked or whatever back then have actually ended and with ebay it's easy enough to grab entire sets. So I was thinking about reading some entire comic runs, in the original issues, not trade paperbacks.
I want to read the actual issues for the ads and letters and all that.
Aside from all the stuff I bought, I'd like to read:
the rest of Punisher War Journal. (Marvel, 80 issues)
Punisher War Zone (Marvel, 41 issues)
The Punisher (Marvel, 104 issues)
G.I. Joe (Marvel, 155 issues)
The 'Nam (I got #1 in that buy and it was pretty good.) (Marvel, 85 issues)
New Mutants (Marvel 100 issues)
X-Force (Marvel, 129 issues)
Excalibur (Marvel, 125 issues)
Does anyone else collect comics or want to recommend a series to read? I only want to read full runs, nothing currently ongoing.
What comics would you like to read?